Is it having lots of money makes you wealthy? Well, it might make you rich but being wealthy requires more than that.
Simply put, being rich is very much related to how much money you have. Being wealthy requires you to have 5 elements making up a pyramid as depicted in the picture above. The reason of having a pyramid structure is that as all of us know the fact: pyramids have existed and endured the test of time. It is the very structure of nature that has similar implications of endurability in other areas such as human wealth.
In the True Wealth Pyramid:
- MONEY: Having abundance of money gives us things that we desire in our lives such as nice houses, cars, toys, interesting holidays, good times with familiy and friends, etc.
- TIME: Most people will sacrify time for money, rich or poor. In my opinion, only about 5% of the world's population has both time and money. The fact is that everyone of us has similar amount of time in this world. For this very reason, time is the most precious asset.
- HEALTH: What is the reason of having money but poor health? good health gives us energy to do what we love to do and enjoy the gift of life.
- RELATIONSHIP: As Warren Buffet once said money gave him the freedom of choice whom he likes to work with. Many people are slave to social relationships because they want to trade off for financial or other benefits.
- GIVING: I don't know but the fact is that richest people on earth are giving generously to good causes. The more they give the wealthier they get. This is the universal law.
You and I already know that Michael Jackson is a rich person. He had lots of money but importantly he died leaving behind a phenomenal music legacy for all of us to adorn and to enjoy. I respect him as one of the great artists of all time. But he died miserably with stress of financial burden. He is not a wealthy person!
Bill Gate is a true wealthy person. He has money, time to do what he loves to do, freedom to choose who he wants to work with, financial resources and time to do giving through Gate & Melinda Foundations. Well, he is exceptional, you may ask. There are hundred thousands of true wealthy people all over the world but they are unknown to you and me, and they do not need to. They enjoy the lives given to them on this planet unlike the rest of 90% of the world's population.
Life has never been a fair play for all people. The key thing is that if you and I want to belong to 10% of this privileged few, we have to understand the rules of life and play them according to your natural wealth path. If you haven't found the wealth game of your life, you may want to take a test of who you are and what your natural wealth path is by clicking on the WEALTH DYNAMICS PROFILE TEST at the end of this webblog.
I already found my natural game of true wealth. I love the game of trading. I live it everyday. It's my play not work. Besides, I love exploring and writing about wealth topics.
Timothy Truong